Team History


Executive Director: Michael De Wit

2016-2017 was another busy year for the team with the release of the updated Basic Life Support Patient Care Standards by the Ministry of Health. Changes adopted by SERT included new approaches to the management of anaphylactic reactions, head and spine injuries, and severe bleeding. The team updated their Patient Care Form to create more space for documentation and began using the OSCAR Electronic Medical Record system to efficiently gather call statistics and back-up paper records. 2016-2017 marked the first year of SERT Command Training, an intensive course designed to challenge senior responders in the areas of communication, leadership, and critical thinking. SERT’s education portfolio enjoyed a strong year and the team began offering Red Cross Blended Learning First Aid & CPR courses. 2016-2017 was also a proud year for SERT, with the team winning 1st place at the National Conference of Campus Emergency Responders (NCCER) competition held at McMaster University. SERT members also attended the National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation (NCEMSF) conference in Baltimore for the second year in a row. In light of opioid-related public health emergencies in many areas of the country, the team began work on a opioid toxicity medical directive that would allow for the administration of intranasal naloxone.


Executive Director: Rachel Holloway


Executive Director: Evan Formosa

In 2014-2015 the team saw many changes and additions. The SERT response vehicle was fitted with yellow emergency response lights to improve scene visibility and increase safety responding to calls. SERT switched to Statpack medical bags that better-suited responders’ needs. Benadryl was added to the symptom relief package to treat those with minor allergic reactions on campus. Orientation week 2014 was the first time in SERT history that two separate teams of 3 responders were on-call simultaneously to provide full campus coverage. This system was adopted multiple times throughout the year to provide the best available coverage on historically busy days. Complementing the addition of a second team, we purchased a canopy to provide shelter to responders and increase visibility at events. As for the first aid education program, SERT finally adopted an easy to use registration system allowing participants to sign up and pay for first aid courses online. This functionality also allowed for easy online payment for special events such as anniversary celebrations, conferences, and team related activities.


Executive Director: Giulia Martone

2013-2014 saw considerable changes to SERT’s appearance. SERT purchased new uniforms to improve responder comfort and professionalism. SERT’s winter jackets were also replaced to increase warmth and keep responders dry during inclement weather. Reflective pants were introduced to increase visibility at emergency scenes. The team began exploring methods of electronic documentation to keep up with the emergence of online medical records.


Executive Director: Dan Buchanan

In 2012-2013, the team updated their Patient Care Form in order to resemble the London EMS PCF for easier comprehension and turnover between the SERT and  paramedics. This year marked the introduction of training SERT responders in Mental Health First Aid Canada, a course allowing for further education of mental health, mental illness and mental health problems as well as the ability to identify signs and symptoms of common mental health concerns. In order to more effectively respond to children 8 and under during an anaphylactic emergency we add children’s epinephrine to our repertoire of symptom relief medication. SERT was also named the #1 provider of Canadian Red Cross first aid courses in southwestern Ontario in 2012. In order to serve the London community better, SERT invested in new actars for first aid courses. SERT also implemented a protocol booklet this year, for quick reference to important criteria and clinic hours. This year was also marked by renovations to the team’s office, giving a more professional environment for first aid course registration.


Executive Director: Paul Clement

In 2011-2012 the need for mass, informal CPR training had been significantly decreased due to first aid and CPR certifications becoming standard workplace and education requirements. As a result, SERT’s Project Aware initiative came to completion and SERT’s community involvement has shifted to mental health first aid, in collaboration with Western’s Jack Project. As part of the first efforts of the initiative, SERT members represented Western at a Jack Project conference in Toronto. The year was also marked by renovations to the team’s on call room, giving members more space to do homework, and new mattresses.


Executive Director: Deirdre Fleming

In the 2010-2011 school year, SERT once again hit a record call volume under executive director Deirdre Fleming. As well, SERT made an formal agreement with London Fire recognizing SERT as the medical authority on scene at campus emergencies, and switched with the rest of the UWO campus to using digital radios. SERT also experienced the loss of their long-time administrative director Trudy Bundy, who will be sincerely missed following her resignation from Student Health Services.


Executive Director: Matt Stajcer

The 2009-2010 year was marked by the team hosting the National Conference of Campus Emergency Responders (NCCER), for which the theme was ‘Community Partners in Emergency Response’. The conference was a large undertaking for the entire team, with multiple community emergency response partners involved. Led by Conference Coordinator Chantal Tacchino and with significant contributions from dedicated Alumni, including Lisa Donnelly, Melissa Martin, and Erika MacNeill, the team hosted a comprehensive and enjoyable conference and competition. Support from community partners such as CCPS, London Police, ORNGE, and many others greatly contributed to the success of NCCER 2010. One of SERT’s Competition Teams also earned a silver medal in the competition component of NCCER 2010.

In terms of training and response, a pulse oximeter was added to the Team’s response equipment, the Training Manual was overhauled to align with the EMR skill sets and standard of care, and Brad Moffat created the first edition of the SERT Radio Operations and Protocol Manual and Casebook.


Executive Director: Lisa Donnelly

The 2008-2009 year saw Lisa Donnelly re-elected for a third term as Executive Director. With Dr. Sereda’s assistance, a pediatric AED protocol and revised post-exposure protocol were implemented. As well, another long-researched goal of Dr. Macfarlane’s was realized; SERT got a new response vehicle, a Toyota Tacoma pickup truck. Funds had been set aside in the Student Health Services budget to make this vision a reality. SERT also began carrying Ventolin to assist with respiratory emergencies.

In January 2009, SERT members underwent a lengthy upgrade of their certifications to the Canadian Red Cross Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) level. SERT added protocols for the pre-hospital administration of ASA and Nitroglycerin, and added glucometry to our response repertoire. Lastly, SERT celebrated the anniversary of 20 years of service to the UWO campus community with a team reunion at the end of March 2009.


Executive Director: Lisa Donnelly

In December of 2007, SERT suffered the sudden and profound loss of SERT’s greatest friend, advocate, and Medical Director, Dr. Thomas Macfarlane. Despite this monumental loss, the Team continued its service in the spirit of Dr. Tom with a renewed sense of purpose. SERT was extremely humbled by donations that the Team received in honour of Dr. Tom, and we used these funds to purchase a new ‘family’ of training mannequins; keeping the standard of training at the highest possible level was always extremely important to Dr. Tom. SERT continues to be indebted to the level of passion, dedication and faith Dr. Tom had in all members of the Team, and we have continued to strive to provide the best care to the UWO community in his spirit.

The Team was extremely grateful to those who helped us through this difficult year. Dr. Andrea Sereda, a seven-year team alumnus, took on the role of Medical Advisor and helped direct the team’s training standards. Trudy Bunde, who worked alongside Dr. Macfarlane for almost the entirety of SERT’s history, became SERT’s Administrative Director. As well, Dr. Jim Shaw, a physician at UWO Health Services, offered to provide Medical Direction for the SERT and our protocols. The Team remains eternally grateful for these selfless individuals.

In this year, Robarts Research Institute was added to SERT’s response area. As well, in fitting tribute to Dr. Tom’s dedication to training skills, SERT again took home gold and silver medals in the national NCCER conference, ranking our teams first in the country in skills competition.


Executive Director: Lisa Donnelly

The 2006-2007 year was a milestone year for the SERT. SERT began carrying epi-pen auto-injectors, and Executive Director Lisa Donnelly and the SERT Executive implemented 24/7 use of the SRV. Following this, the Team was able to expand its response area to include the Brescia University College campus. Another impressive accomplishment for the year was the massive triple-team victory at the annual NCCER conference competition, in which SERT brought home gold, silver, and bronze medals.

SERT’s Education portfolio put into use an electronic database of SERT’s first aid courses, inventory and customers. This was a program built and designed exclusively for the Team by “Databaces,” a student-run company. SERT also earned the ranking of second out of 372 Canadian Red Cross Authorized Providers in southwestern Ontario for sales; hence, it was no surprise that SERT provided a record-breaking number of first aid courses to the UWO community.


Executive Director: David Estill

The 2005-2006 scholastic year started with David Estill being elected as Executive Director, and saw many changes to both the response and training portfolios. SERT overhauled its entire radio system, implementing new radio protocols and replacing all the existing radios with ten brand-new digital-display radios. Thanks to UWO Fire Prevention for their generous funding of this project. As well, the Executive was able to procure a new set of all-season team jackets and vests. Additionally, the Training Coordinators implemented a bottom-line, “back to basics” approach to training, with great success.


Executive Director: Hanna Chouest

For the 2004-2005 year, both Executive Director Hanna Chouest and External Communications Director Lauren Hornick focused on the financial security of the team. Due to strong leadership and financial foresight, the Team liaised with the USC InfoSource to increase awareness and accessibility to our first aid courses. In addition, the Team aligned its finances with the UWO financial system.


Executive Director: Julie Andrassy

During the 2003-2004 the team underwent many changes with the introduction of SARS to Canada. This disease served as a reminder of the risk associated with response and as a result led SERT to develop a new infectious disease protocol. The implementation of this new protocol is a reminder of the obstacles that the team faces on a daily basis, and the need to be flexible and responsive to new challenges.


Executive Director: Julie Andrassy

Julie Andrassy was elected SERT Executive Director for the 2002-03 academic year. Along with her executive she had already begun to address safety issues involving the use of the SRV.


Executive Director: Sean Gill

In this year a longtime Team goal was realized … the SERT Response Vehicle (SRV). Sean and others had explored alternatives to the battery-powered vehicle proposed originally. He and other Team members proposed the use of a Polaris Ranger. Dr. Macfarlane had been discussing this matter with the UWO administration and wrote a proposal outlining SERT achievements and record of community service and formally requesting financial support for the vehicle. The Associate Vice President and Director of Housing and Ancillary Services, Ms. Susan Grindrod, agreed to provide most of the funding for a vehicle. Student Health Services also contributed. . SERT got a Ranger! Thanks to the support of Housing and Ancillary Services and Student Health Services the vehicle has allowed SERT members to arrive safely and in a better condition to respond especially to residence and campus periphery calls.


Executive Director: Sean Gill

Dr. Macfarlane and Sean organized a meeting with London emergency response services, campus emergency response staff and University Police. The meeting proved to be very important to SERT. The Team gained recognition by the Ministry of Health as a First Responder organization and was added to the tiered response to UWO along with London Fire and ambulance services. This meant that SERT would be dispatched to all 911 campus calls requiring medical assistance (even those not routed directly through CCPS). In this year the response area was expanded to include Westminster College.

The summer of 2001 saw the inception of the first summer on-call service. In response to a suggestion from the Team, Dr, Macfarlane wrote to various departments seeking support for a summer on-call service. SERT members would be hired by departments on campus and would be allowed to respond to calls during their workday. With the support of Parking and Protective Services (Mike Foster) and Physical Plant (Jim Galbraith) along with the great volunteerism shown by SERT members already employed on campus the Team successfully provided a Monday to Friday, 0900h to 1700h, on-call service to the campus community.


Executive Director: Alex Drossos

For several years there had been discussions concerning a transport vehicle for SERT members during on-call shifts. Alex pressed forward with the goal of obtaining a suitable vehicle and obtained specifications and pricing. The achievement of this goal would take a little longer.


Executive Director: Alex Drossos

Alex’s vision, attention to detail and energy along with a strong Executive accounted to several important Team achievements. New initiatives included residence response, the acquisition and use of bicycles for responding to calls and a highly successful 10-Year Team Anniversary in January 1999. In 1999 Dr. Macfarlane arranged for the creation of the present on-call room in SHS.

Around this time Dr. Macfarlane, Alex and Sean Gill, a Team member with experience as an ambulance attendant, had begun to explore opportunities for expanding the scope of the Team’s skills and establishing a widely accepted standard for training and evaluating these skills. The team adopted the Canadian Red Cross Society’s First Responder course as its base level of care. Dr. Macfarlane and Sean Gill took the Canadian Red Cross First Responder Instructor course. Together with Jim Foster, a London firefighter and First Responder Instructor, Sean and Dr. Macfarlane trained all SERT members as First Responders. Since Seans departure in 2005 Dr. Macfarlane has continued to train all Team members as CRC First Responders since.

In addition Dr. Macfarlane proposed to the senior administration that he and Sean Gill provide free First Responder training to all University Police officers in exchange for funding for an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED). A death on campus in the summer had emphasized the need for improvement in emergency response when SERT was not operating. SERT got its AED!

Dr. Macfarlane drafted a proposal for UWO administrative support for a joint SHS and SERT initiative. Dr. Macfarlane and Alex Drossos met with Mr. Ted Garrard to seek funding for proposed training equipment including: a state-of-the-art training mannequin (now affectionately known as “Ted”), a training defibrillator, a laptop computer for use with “Ted” and some additional equipment and accessories. Over one year passed before Mr. Garrard found funding for this project but “Ted” (Mr. Garrard) came through.


Executive Director: Stephen King

The Team successfully ran the fourth annual National Conference of Campus Emergency Responders. Internally it also revamped the executive structure taking the eleven person executive and shrinking it to six. This change was also accompanied by the creation of several junior executive positions to enhance the general team involvement.

This year also marked the commencement of the 24/7 on-call service. This had been a Team goal since its conception in 1989. With Dr. Macfarlane’s support the Department of Housing agreed to provide an on-call room complete with beds in Delaware Hall. On Wednesday March 11, 1998 at 08:00 the Team started its 24-hour on-call service to the UWO main campus. The Team gained exposure and continued to develop a positive image. The number of calls increased two-fold.


Executive Directors: Stephen Turner, Elaine Littlejohn

The Team entered a new service era with new equipment and training standards. In addition, the Team strengthened links with the Campus Community Police and other campus services. Midway through the year Stephen stepped down and Elaine Littlejohn became Executive Director. With hard work and dedication Elaine led the Team to the successful conclusion of the 96-97 academic year.


Executive Directors: Owen Charters and Craig Campbell

This would be the last year of the dual director administrative model. During their administration, on February 26, 1996, the Team began a Monday to Friday, 0800h to 2300h, on-call response service. Up to this point, the Team had been responding to calls at campus events and Orientation Week. The Team’s goal of providing on-call service was finally realized and the Team became one of five teams in Ontario offering an on call service.


Executive Directors: Matthew Ferguson and Jennifer Meier

Please email if you have a description of this year of SERT’s history.


Executive Directors: Matthew Ferguson and Jennifer Cornwall

The team began an education program, teaching Canadian Red Cross First Aid courses and Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario CPR courses. Heather McDonald, a member of the interim executive, initiated and organized this educational program. In the 1993-94 school year the Team moved from a basement office in D.B. Weldon library to its present location in Student Health Services.


Executive Directors: Blair Harvey

In 1993, the Team separated from St. John Ambulance following a majority vote of its members. Dr. Macfarlane agreed to supervise and direct the team. This enabled the Team to focus on of the University community. The Team continued to be affiliated with Student Health Services, reporting to Dr. Macfarlane. At this time the team changed its name to (get ready for the full name) The Student Emergency Response Team of the University of Western Ontario, Student Health Services. The Team logo was changed to the present design created by Team member, Tamara Uptigrove. A group of senior Team members known as the interim executive met weekly with Dr. Macfarlane to define the scope of Team activities and to draft a new administrative structure. The new structure included two Executive Directors.

Also in 1993, the Team became the first one in Ontario to provide a free mass CPR training session to the university community. Heather McDonald and Mark Phillips undertook this initiative, named Project Aware. Since then, approximately 400 registrants from the London and university community attend this annual event and are trained in basic CPR skills.


Executive Director: Rob Garland
Please email if you have a description of this year of SERT’s history.



In 1988 Western student Robert Garland encountered a non-breathing casualty on campus and needed to use his CPR skills. After the incident and aware of the existing McMaster Emergency Response Team, he approached the Director of Student Health Services, Dr. Tom Macfarlane. Dr. Macfarlane encouraged Robert to collect information on such incidents and to develop a proposal. Robert gathered information from the Campus Community Police Service on the frequency of emergency and first aid situations on campus. He then returned to Dr. Macfarlane to seek support for a 24-hour First Aid team at Western. Dr. Macfarlane organized a meeting of UWO administrators, Campus Community Police, emergency responders and other stakeholders.

Robert’s initial proposal for a 24 hour First Aid Team was presented to the committee and initially rejected. Following that meeting Dr. Macfarlane and Robert developed a modified proposal for a daytime First Aid Team. The modified proposal was approved. Dr. Macfarlane agreed to share responsibility for supervising the team with St. John Ambulance. The Western Student’s Emergency First Response Team was born in 1989 as part of Brigade 28 of St. John Ambulance and was overseen by St. John Ambulance and by Dr. Macfarlane. Rob Garland became the first Program Director.