Donate to SERT

The Student Emergency Response Team is a not-for-profit organization. All donations help to provide SERT the means to enhance our training, medical response equipment and Standard First Aid teaching materials.

Make a donation online
If you would like to make a donation online to SERT, please visit


Under the “Start Giving” heading, type in SERT and click “Submit”.


This will take you to another page, where you will be asked “Where would you like to direct your gift?”; click the “Other” option and type SERT into the box provide.


SERT’s name will not match any search results, so just re-type it in the “Other” box. It may even automatically be filled in for you by the website.


Answer the rest of the questions and fill out your payment information in the spaces provided. Thank you for your generosity!

Make a donation via cheque
Cheques can be sent to 260L Westminster Hall, attention Janice Van Der Klugt.
